
Subscriptions admin February 6, 2020
Class and Status


 is a bi-annual publication centered around a key theme of Humanities and Social Sciences, that of class and status divisions in society. Subscription to the journal allows both print and online access to the entirety of its content. To ensure a wider readership, the journal offers two main annual plans: one for fully employed individuals at the normal rate (30 euros) and one at a discounted rate (20 euros) for students and unemployed individuals.  

All issues of Class and Status (both in print and electronically) are available to browse online.

Urgent Notice:


Please follow carefully step-by-step the instructions. 

When you complete registration, please return to subscriptions and select your desired option again. A bank account and a purchase code will appear on your screen.

In case of any difficulty, please contact our support team at 


you can complete your subscription at Papazisis Bookstores (Nikitara 2, Athens, 106 78).

Unlimited annual access to the magazine and the content of the site for students and unemployed individuals
Unlimited annual access to the magazine and the content of the site for fully employed individuals
Unlimited annual access to the magazine and the content of the site for Institutions